SheHacksPurple: January travels

Happy New Year!

The SheHacksPurple Nerd-a-licious Newsletter

💜 Hit ‘reply’ to send me a message or give me feedback!

Happy New Year!!!

I would like to ask you all a personal favour: if you are planning to buy my book, please buy it on or before February 5th. I’m asking because I am trying really hard to make it onto the best sellers list again, and all of the pre-sales count as ‘first day purchases’, which is my absolute best chance to make it onto that list. You can find a complete list of places to buy Alice and Bob Learn Secure coding here. FYI, I already have 1400+ sales, as of 2 weeks ago, so THANK YOU to all of you who already bought it! Thank you for your consideration, and now back to our regular nerd-er-ific programming.

For anyone wanting 20 or more books, I can get you a discount from my publisher. Just reply to this email and ask. :-D

New Content!

Me and Jamie!


  • Feb 5-7, Wild West Hackin’ Fest @ Mile High 2025, online (I’ve had to pull out of the conference for a personal obligation, but a recording will be played)

  • Feb 11-14, DeveloperWeek, Security Summit, Santa Clara, CA, USA (in person, OWASP stage)

  • March 12 & 13, Cloud and Security Expo, London, England, - I’m the keynote! (in person)

  • April 28-May 1, RSAC, I’ve been invited to speak on a panel about Security Champions, and am waiting to hear if any of my talk submissions have been accepted

Random Topics Go Here

I won my copyright complaint Sony made against my music video! Yay free speech/fair use!

I saw many friends during my trip to England, but here are highlights of just a few of the wonderful human beings who I had the pleasure of spending some time with during my visit.

#AppSec Dinner

I met with so many people my whole trip, this is an AppSec dinner, with several OWASP and We Hack Purple friends!

We end with a meme.

You know it’s true! 🥳